What have I learnt?
What do I need to learn?
What is it I want as an artist and an audience member?
What do I need to hold on to from this project?
I want excitement.
I want to feel needed.
I want to inspire and support change.
I want equality.
I want urgency.
I want to best utilise the resources around me.
I want shivers down my spine.
I want a spectacle.
I want intimacy.
I want to bring people together.
I want to create events that make use of the resources at hand.
I want to work in fully accessible spaces.
I want to find space for conversation between artist and audience after the performance.
I want to support artists to explore the space between their arts practices and that of their peers.
I want to encourage the creative exploration of politics and form.
I will keep reading.
I will keep writing.
I will always attend performances at the venues that are local to me.
I will always travel to support the work of artists I believe in.
I will reflect on my experiences and consider how they can influence my practice.
I will let my memories of feeling a part of something bigger than myself, by being involved in moments of live performance, remind me of the potential of collaboration, creativity and community.
It isn’t about venues.
It isn’t about art.
It is about people.
It is always about people.
Tour Family. Taken in the Dixon household, by Nick Suchak, featuring Milk Teeth, Eat Me and my wee face.